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Friday, October 6, 2023

Health card claim payments to hospitals have been stopped and treatment has been invalidated

Title: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government Secures Future of Health Card Scheme


 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has made a resolute commitment to ensure uninterrupted access to healthcare for the underprivileged by extending the Health Card Scheme. In addition to this significant move, the government has decided to uphold essential health services under the scheme, safeguarding the rights of those in need.

Financial Stability and Reforms: 

 In the preceding year of 2023, the provincial government demonstrated its dedication by successfully clearing 28 billion rupees of the outstanding 44 billion rupees owed under the State Life Insurance scheme. This remarkable effort leaves 16 billion rupees pending, highlighting the government's determination to secure the health card program's future.

A pivotal meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Muhammad Azam Khan, shed light on the state of health insurance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. During this gathering, substantial reforms were introduced, aimed at fortifying the health card scheme's foundation. The Health Department received a directive to expedite the implementation of these reforms, emphasizing the government's proactive approach.

Collaboration and Future Payments: 

 Discussions during the meeting extended to critical matters, including pending payments and the facilitation of donations. In this regard, the State Life Insurance company reached an agreement with the government regarding the mechanisms for future payments, ensuring the sustained operation of the health card initiative.

Key officials, including the Chief Advisor for Health, Dr. Riaz al-Noor, Chief Secretary Nadim Islam Chaudhry, and other provincial government representatives, along with the Chief Executive Officer of State Life Insurance Company, played an integral role in these deliberations.

A Pledge for a Healthier Future: Chief Minister Azam Khan emphasized that the provincial government's commitment extends beyond mere financial considerations. They are unwavering in their determination to continue the health card scheme, even in the face of economic challenges. Most notably, the government is committed to preserving the provision of free medical treatment under the scheme. This commitment is rooted in the government's top priorities, and they pledge to take all necessary measures to ensure the enduring accessibility of free medical services.

Acknowledging Dedication and Cooperation: 

 The Chief Minister expressed his appreciation for the steadfast dedication exhibited by the State Life Insurance company in maintaining the health card scheme. He praised the government's commitment to fostering cooperation in this regard, underscoring the importance of the partnership between the provincial government and the company in the continuation of the health card scheme.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government's resolute efforts and unwavering commitment to healthcare accessibility promise a brighter and healthier future for the underprivileged in the region.


#The closure of health card claims to private hospitals has been deemed invalid and suspended by the government

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